Andy's Mama

Today is Andy's mama's birthday.
Surely her thoughts of gifts she might receive today turn to her heart's desire -- that she would have a moment with her beloved son once again.
If he could talk to her audibly today, no doubt he would tell her, "Mom, you won't believe it, Grandpa and I have been having so much fun getting to know each other over and over. We have our eyes opened to all the mysteries of God, of creation, of the Savior. The language spoken here is so beautiful, and there is no memory of pain, or suffering. There is only eternal love and glories, and grace upon grace. And there's no time here! It's almost like the day I left, everything is brand new to me! Remember that part of a verse, 'in the twinkling of an eye?' It's like that.
"Mom, don't be sad today. I love you, I loved you always, and in a twinkling of an eye, we'll be together again. You, me, Dad, Rob, Tatiana.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to the sweetest mom in the world."
From Becky